
Less Active Hurricane Forecast

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The cooling of ocean waters in the tropical Atlantic Ocean, and the warming of sea temperatures in the Pacific Ocean, are key factors for an Atlantic Basin hurricane season forecast, that expects reduced activity, compared with the median during the past 30 years. 
Colorado State University scientists Philip Klotzbach and William Gray issued their annual extended range hurricane season forecast last Wednesday. 
Despite the prediction of less activity, the forecasters warned those who are most at risk of being affected by a hurricane not to let down their guard. 
Speaking at the National Hurricane Conference in Orlando, Florida last week, Mr. Gray noted that it only takes one hurricane making landfall for it to be devastating for any particular location. 
"We anticipate a below-average probability for major hurricanes making landfall along the United States coastline and in the Caribbean," the report stated. 
For the Cayman Islands specifically, the scientists calculated only a 6 per cent chance of a major hurricane tracking within 50 miles this season. The probability for a hurricane of any strength tracking within 50 miles of the Cayman Islands was calculated at 16 per cent.
