
Why Buy in East End?

USD to KYD Exchange Value: 0.82
USD To GBP: 0.76214
USD To CAD: 1.27998
USD To CNH: 6.3209
These children are enjoying their swimming class at school in East End. Now we are not jealous of course. We loved our dark classrooms and swimsuit free schooldays! Rather the picture said "How much more attractive to settle into serene East End when you don't need to drive the kids to George Town daily?" 

Almost all of the land in the district of East End is undeveloped.  

There are major developments slated for areas outside George Town not least, Dr Devi Shetty's Health City. Just as the new road in West Bay is creating home buying interest there, this facility will attract major investment into East End property.  

As described in Health City will be a reforming facility; a first New Health Age hospital

It is estimated that between eight to 10,000 people will work in Health City when all systems are go. 

With that kind of interest in the area, it is safe to assume the growth and development forecasted will benefit those who buy property there now.  

On Friday there was a wonderful tribute to the Queen of Breakers , 94 year old Nell Conor from her neighbour of 40 years. East End nurtures both privacy and community. Those are the kinds of developments that can, over time, result in more pictures of smiling children in happy neighbourhoods. 
